It’s hard to stay healthy when you’re not staying in one place. I should know; I travel for at least two months out of every year. In fact, as I write this I’ve been traveling, digital nomad style, for more than eight months- from SouthEast Asia, to Africa, all the way to South America. Between jet lag, not having a kitchen to cook in, and occasionally staying in little towns with no local gym...well, it’s been tough.
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How to be in great shape when you travel a…
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It’s hard to stay healthy when you’re not staying in one place. I should know; I travel for at least two months out of every year. In fact, as I write this I’ve been traveling, digital nomad style, for more than eight months- from SouthEast Asia, to Africa, all the way to South America. Between jet lag, not having a kitchen to cook in, and occasionally staying in little towns with no local gym...well, it’s been tough.